Dr Steffens has pointed out several errors, or deviations, in the text, but the Latin version I have cited appears to not entirely agree with him. One evident mistake is the word AETERNIS instead of ALTERNIS at the beginning of the fourth last line. It is only necessary to fallow the fields every alternate year, not forever more. This is a nice little example of how, in the manuscript tradition, a tiny transcription error can significantly alter the meaning. It probably doesn't bear thinking about how many times this may have happened with works we think we know well.

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Virgil's Georgica (Rome, Biblioteca Vaticana, 3256, f.1). (From Steffens 1929, Plate 12b)

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This site is created and maintained by Dr Dianne Tillotson, freelance researcher and compulsive multimedia and web author. Comments are welcome. Material on this web site is copyright, but some parts more so than others. Please check here for copyright status and usage before you start making free with it. This page last modified 18/10/2006.