Apologies if you have to scroll horizontally, but in the middle ages they had not invented A4 paper and they had different concepts of the shape of a page. Short documents are often long and narrow. | |
This is the text of the letter itself. Note a few little calligraphic flourishes in the capital L at the beginning of the main text and in the name of the king. It gives the document a touch of class, even if it is acceptable to add in a couple of words in superscript between the lines. Note that the date does not include the year. This was a document relating to an immediate issue, not a matter of long term consequence, and they knew what year it was. | |
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Letter Close of King Jean le Bon, 1362 (Paris, Arch. Nat. J 641, no 13/6) (from de Bouärd 1929, Planche II) | |
| overview | text | alphabet | abbreviations |exercises | transcript | translation | |
Click on each of the above to walk your way through the text. The transcript will appear in a separate window so that you can use it for reference at any time. These exercises are designed to guide you through the text, not test you, so you can cheat as much as you like. | |
Script sample for this example | |
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