Roman inscription, Latin) Carved Roman inscription found in Dijon, France, showing the original use for this script. No paleography exercise, as this is just for historic interest.
square capitals(4th century copy of Virgil)A segment from Virgil's Georgica, from a fragmentary copy believed to be from the 4th century, showing the use of this monumental script for coninuous text in an early high value manuscript. With paleography exercise.
Latin) A page of prefatory material in the 8th century Vespasian psalter, showing this majuscule script used rather unusually for page text. With paleography exercise.
Roman cursive(2nd
century purchase agreement, Latin) Segment from a purchase agreement of AD 166. As this mercifully never became a medieval script, there is no paleography exercise.
Roman scripts
century gospel, Latin) Page from a Gospel book produced in Italy in the 6th century, text from the Gospel of St Mark. With paleography exercise.
uncial(8th century English psalter, Latin) Page from the Vespasian Psalter produced in England in the 8th century. Interlinear gloss in Old English presented in a separate example. Text from Psalm 52. With paleography exercise.
century religious commentary, Latin) Page from an early 6th century copy of the works of St Hilarius of Poitiers. With a paleography exercise, courtesy of the amazing array of translations of obscure early Christian writings that you can get on the web these days.
Roman cursive(4th
century personal letter, Latin) Small sample from a 4th century letter on papyrus, discovered in Egypt. No paleography exercise, as it is included only for a bit of historical background.
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